EE2, EE2X - Empire Earth II - Language Changer

Download & Installation

   Click here to DOWNLOAD Language Changer ver.     
Total unique downloads (since 20.06.2019): 26210 (7 today)
Designed for Empire Earth II & Empire Earth II: The Art of Supremacy. Compatible with and without Unofficial Patch 1.6.

Information about the file:
File: Size: 6.71 MB (bytes: 7 038 512) CRC-32: b11a4a21 MD4: a47db0db572f7b156055f8385d56d43f MD5: 54f411af94ab60bcbdb7b996af9bb43f SHA-1: 68a772d45e51da1c51163f1ebb7f3a6d810c5210

Warning: Windows SmartScreen might block the program from starting. To fix it, please click on "More info", and then the "Run anyway" button will appear.
SmartScreen blocks all unpopular applications from starting. Empire Earth 2 is a small community, so executables don't get the chance to start being recognizable. Read more...
Reading the entrie page might help you to make the right decision. If you still don't trust, please simply don't download / don't use the language changer, or google for user reviews from neutral sources.

We're not responsible for problems with game or computer after using this software (that should not happen), thermonuclear war, RBMK reactor explosion or tsunami at your location. If you don't trust, please simply don't download it.

Information & Changes List

IMPORTANT: This is a web-based installer. The active Internet connection is required in order to download selected language files from during the process. Average language download size is ~750MB. Please consider making a donation (click) to help keep servers running. The money are very important to keep everything up.

EE2, EE2X - Language Changer, created by Dr.MonaLisa allows you to use an official game language (released by the game publisher in 2005-2006) for 3 separate components: Text, Audio, Video. We do not provide fan-translations. It's designed for Empire Earth II & Empire Earth II: The Art of Supremacy and is compatible with and without Unofficial Patch 1.6.

Currently available Text languages:
English , German , Polish , French , Italian , Spanish , Russian , Hungarian , Czech , Chinese

Currently available Audio languages:
English , German , Polish , French , Italian , Spanish , Russian , Hungarian (EE2 only)

Currently available Video languages:
English , German , Polish , French , Italian , Spanish , Russian , Hungarian (EE2 only)

Please note that some of EE2 language distributions (Chinese, Czech, ...) were officially released with text only. This means that audio and video use a different language than text. This is not the limitation of the Language Changer, this is how game was released.

There is no language difference between "English UK", and "English [Digital Distribution]". Selecting the correct distribution is only required for uninstalling EE2 / AOS. The uninstaller will throw errors when a different distribution was selected.

Please visit: if you can provide EE2 & EE2: AOS files for missing languages. We're currently missing: Bulgarian.

Changes list:
[ - 2021-03-01]:
- Code-signed the Language Changer using the self-signed certificate.

[ - 2019-10-26]:
- Added a fallback to HTTP protocol, when modern version of TLS for HTTPS is unsupported on the Operating System (for example Windows XP).

[ - 2019-07-19]:
- Added Hungarian language:
* Text (for both, EE2 and EE2: AOS)
* Audio (for EE2 only, not for EE2: AOS)
* Video (for EE2 only, not for EE2: AOS)
* Those limitations are because AOS wasn't released in Hungarian distribution, only came out later in Gold Edition with Text-only.

[ - 2019-06-24]:
- Added Russian language for Text, Audio and Video.

[ - 2019-06-20]:
- This is the first version of the EE2, EE2X Language Changer, created by Dr.MonaLisa.
* Available Text languages: English, German, Polish, French, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Chinese.
* Available Audio languages: English, German, Polish, French, Italian, Spanish.
* Available Video languages: English, German, Polish, French, Italian, Spanish.
- Fixed a bug in German language Audio, where Cargo Ship selection / move voice over was a noise. It was supposed to be fixed in the official patch 1.1, but the game doesn't read files with the same name from
- Improved Italian language Audio for American Campaign 7 and Fighting Sail selection voice over according to changes from

YouTube Language Changing Tutorial:

Team & Usage Terms

Language Changer Creator:
Leader (Dr Mona Lisa)
Special thanks for help in collecting language files to:
Dr.MonaLisa (English, Spanish, Polish, Czech, French), DMOEdetc (German), IndieRock00 (Italian), Twigimonster (Chinese), pavelas555000 (Russian), WeerW3ir (Hungarian).

If you like the Language Changer, please consider donating. The money are very important to keep everything up. I would very appreciate any help.

Software used during development:

IndigoRose's Setup Factory has been choosen by me as the Installer Builder program for Unofficial Patch 1.6. I tested many free and paid installer builders, but none of them had the features we needed. Thanks to Setup Factory Unofficial Patch 1.6 and Minor Update installers have features like: EE2-a-like skin, automatic detection of current game version, checking if update of configuration files is required, automatic detection of the installation folder, downloading most recent files from Server, and much more! You can read a separate article about the new installer at BLOG (click).

IMPORTANT copyrights notice:
The creator of the Language Changer does not allow you to re-upload the Language Changer files to any other server / website. If you want to share the Language Changer with your friends - please send them the link to the Official Download Page:
For breaking this rule, we will be forced to send DMCA Takedown Requests.
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