Overall Server Load & Information

Server Uptime: 4 h 28 min 55 sec.
Server IP address: 109.71.x.x.

Load average last 1 minute     : 9.2%
Load average last 5 minutes   : 4.2%
Load average last 15 minutes : 2.6%

RAM: 23.46 GB (3655.57 MB free, 541.94 MB buffers, 6762.45 MB cached, 3654.82 MB active).
NVMe Disk Space Used: 19% (73 GB / 390.33 GB).
CPU Cores: 8. L1 cache: 512 KiB, L2: 4 MiB, L3: 128 MiB. CPU Name: AMD EPYC 7443P 24-Core Processor.
Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS. Kernel Version: 5.15.0-134-generic.

Multiplayer Services Status

Multiplayer Lobby Status: ONLINE.
Uptime: 4 h 28 min
Auto-Translation: OK.
Discord Bot: OK.

MonaNAT® Servers:
Server 1 (109.71.x.x - Germany): ONLINE. Ping: 0 ms.
Server 2 (158.51.x.x - Tampa, United States): ONLINE. Ping: 118 ms.
Server 3 (84.33.x.x - Sydney, Australia): ONLINE. Ping: 272 ms.
Server 4 (84.32.x.x - Çekmeköy, Türkiye): ONLINE. Ping: 39 ms.

Vote for Multiplayer Lobby Restart

Recently 0 / 5 players requested the Multiplayer Lobby restart (during the last 10 minutes).

If you currently experience issues accessing the Multiplayer Lobby, you can vote for the multiplayer server restart using the form below. Please solve the captcha and click on the "Vote for Muliplayer Lobby Restart" button:

Sorry, for security reasons this form is only available for players who were logged-in to the Multiplayer Lobby within the last 7 days. Modules Load

Nginx Uptime: 4 h 28 min 40 sec.

Active Connections     : 60.
Accepted Connections: 28 502 (100% handled).
Total Client Requests  : 124 723.
Currently reading : 0 headers from clients.
Currently sending: 2 responses to clients.
Waiting for requests from: 58 active clients.

PHP Uptime: 4 h 28 min 52 sec.

UP1.5 Launcher Scripts (OK):
Current Load: 2% (max. reached 4%)
Accepted Connections: 82 527. Website (OK):
Current Load: 4% (max. reached 4%)
Accepted Connections: 668. (OK):
Current Load: 2% (max. reached 14%)
Accepted Connections: 5 827.

Internal Server Scripts (OK):
Current Load: 2% (max. reached 4%)
Accepted Connections: 16 611.

Nginx ver. : 1.26.2.
PHP ver. : 8.3.15.

Database Connections


Uptime: 4 h 28 min 51 sec.
Threads: 25.
Total Queries: 805 676.
Slow Queries: 1.
Opens: 424.
Open Tables: 149.
Average Queries Per Second: 49.945.

MySQL ver. : 11.3.2-MariaDB-1:11.3.2.

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