What are Audio Taunts in Unofficial Patch 1.6?

Since 26th of February 2020 (versions 157031-157032) Unofficial Patch users can enjoy the audio feedback (audio taunts) for certain messages sent in Multiplayer chats (before game start).
With Unofficial Patch 1.5.8 release (6th of November 2020), the audio taunts system has been significantly improved and also added to the Game chat (after start). Thanks to that, even Singleplayer users can enjoy it!

I don't like audio taunts. How to disable them?

In the Maximization Helper & Game Tweaker window, please find option "Disable Audio Taunts in Chats":
Multiplayer - checking this option disables audio taunts in multiplayer chats (before game start).
Game - checking this option disables audio taunts for messages sent in game chat.
Changing the status of these options have an immediate effect (no game restart is required).

The audio taunts system ignores spaces and punctuation characters. For example taunt merrychristmas4 will also play when you send Merry Christmas4! message. The words inside "quotation marks" are treated as a potential taunt, e.g. audio will be played on message: I wish you a "Merry Christmas", Jenna.

More information & discussion in this forum topic (click).

List of available audio taunts

Tip: Click the 📋 icon to copy the taunt text to your clipboard. Use CTRL+V to paste the copied text in game.
Playing the taunt using the ▶️ button only works when the game with UP (159012+) is currently running.

▶️ 📋   a1 to a33 (from Age of Empires III) [1-32]
▶️ 📋   b1 to b42 (from Age of Empires II) [1-42]
▶️ 📋   wololo
▶️ 📋   hahaha
▶️ 📋   haha
▶️ 📋   ahahaha
▶️ 📋   hehehe
▶️ 📋   foodplease
▶️ 📋   foodpls
▶️ 📋   food
▶️ 📋   ineedfood
▶️ 📋   woodplease
▶️ 📋   woodpls
▶️ 📋   wood
▶️ 📋   ineedwood
▶️ 📋   stoneplease
▶️ 📋   stonepls
▶️ 📋   stone
▶️ 📋   ineedstone
▶️ 📋   goldplease
▶️ 📋   goldpls
▶️ 📋   gold
▶️ 📋   ineedgold
▶️ 📋   tinplease
▶️ 📋   tinpls
▶️ 📋   tin
▶️ 📋   ineedtin
▶️ 📋   ironplease
▶️ 📋   ironpls
▶️ 📋   iron
▶️ 📋   ineediron
▶️ 📋   saltpeterplease
▶️ 📋   saltplease
▶️ 📋   saltpeterpls
▶️ 📋   saltpeter
▶️ 📋   saltpls
▶️ 📋   ineedsaltpeter
▶️ 📋   oilplease
▶️ 📋   oilpls
▶️ 📋   oil
▶️ 📋   ineedoil
▶️ 📋   uraniumplease
▶️ 📋   uraniumpls
▶️ 📋   uranium
▶️ 📋   ineeduranium
▶️ 📋   ineedallresources
▶️ 📋   ineedresources
▶️ 📋   ineedres
▶️ 📋   sendmeeverything
▶️ 📋   ineedmorepopulation
▶️ 📋   ineedpopulation
▶️ 📋   ineedmorepop
▶️ 📋   ineedpop
▶️ 📋   sendmeyourterritory
▶️ 📋   sendmeyourterr
▶️ 📋   sendterr
▶️ 📋   givemeterr
▶️ 📋   givemeterritory
▶️ 📋   sendmeterritories
▶️ 📋   givemeterrs
▶️ 📋   givemeterritories
▶️ 📋   sendmeterrs
▶️ 📋   sendterrs
▶️ 📋   attacknow
▶️ 📋   takeit
▶️ 📋   moveyourarmy
▶️ 📋   movearmy
▶️ 📋   moveyourarmyback
▶️ 📋   movearmyback
▶️ 📋   moveback
▶️ 📋   goback
▶️ 📋   collecttechpoints
▶️ 📋   collecttechnologypoints
▶️ 📋   fixwoodcitizens
▶️ 📋   fixwoodcitz
▶️ 📋   fixcitizens
▶️ 📋   fixyourcitizens
▶️ 📋   fixcitz
▶️ 📋   fixyourcitz
▶️ 📋   nukehim
▶️ 📋   bombardhim
▶️ 📋   attackhim
▶️ 📋   attack
▶️ 📋   letsdouble
▶️ 📋   letstriple
▶️ 📋   letsquadruple
▶️ 📋   letsattacktogether
▶️ 📋   letsattack
▶️ 📋   takehisterritory
▶️ 📋   takehisterr
▶️ 📋   taketerr
▶️ 📋   taketerritory
▶️ 📋   killhim
▶️ 📋   killhimfast
▶️ 📋   killfast
▶️ 📋   push
▶️ 📋   badmap
▶️ 📋   unfairresources
▶️ 📋   unfairres
▶️ 📋   lol_aced [1-2]
▶️ 📋   lol_defeat
▶️ 📋   lol_dominating
▶️ 📋   lol_doublekill [1-2]
▶️ 📋   lol_enemygodlike [1-2]
▶️ 📋   lol_enemylegend [1-2]
▶️ 📋   lol_enemypenta
▶️ 📋   lol_enemyquadra
▶️ 📋   lol_enemyslain
▶️ 📋   lol_executed
▶️ 📋   lol_firstblood
▶️ 📋   lol_godlike
▶️ 📋   lol_killingspree
▶️ 📋   lol_legendary
▶️ 📋   lol_pentakill [1-2]
▶️ 📋   lol_quadrakill
▶️ 📋   lol_hexakill
▶️ 📋   lol_shutdown [1-2]
▶️ 📋   lol_triplekill
▶️ 📋   lol_unstoppable
▶️ 📋   lol_victory
▶️ 📋   lol_youslain [1-2]
▶️ 📋   lol_welcome [1-7]
▶️ 📋   lol_yourturretdestroyed [1-2]
▶️ 📋   lol_destroyedturret
▶️ 📋   lol_thirtyseconds
▶️ 📋   lol_summonerdisconnected
▶️ 📋   lol_summonerreconnected [1-2]
▶️ 📋   lol_minionsspawned
▶️ 📋   lol_enemyquit
▶️ 📋   lol_allyquit [1-2]
▶️ 📋   lol_allyslain [1-2]
▶️ 📋   satellite [1-3]
▶️ 📋   fortress
▶️ 📋   tractor
▶️ 📋   neinneinnein
▶️ 📋   titanic_horn
▶️ 📋   temple
▶️ 📋   university
▶️ 📋   death_male [1-8]
▶️ 📋   death_female [1-8]
▶️ 📋   radar [1-3]
▶️ 📋   hospital
▶️ 📋   coronavirus
▶️ 📋   bunker
▶️ 📋   waterwell
▶️ 📋   cough [1-2]
▶️ 📋   harvester
▶️ 📋   wheelloader
▶️ 📋   botanicmodule
▶️ 📋   obama
▶️ 📋   gaddafi
▶️ 📋   spider [1-3]
▶️ 📋   zombie [1-5]
▶️ 📋   hera
▶️ 📋   priest [1-4]
▶️ 📋   greatergood
▶️ 📋   crownwin
▶️ 📋   crownwinopponent
▶️ 📋   crownlose
▶️ 📋   citycenter
▶️ 📋   outpost
▶️ 📋   barracks
▶️ 📋   workshop
▶️ 📋   factory
▶️ 📋   market
▶️ 📋   supermarket
▶️ 📋   stable
▶️ 📋   boar [1-2]
▶️ 📋   camel [1-3]
▶️ 📋   cow [1-3]
▶️ 📋   deer [1-2]
▶️ 📋   elephant [1-2]
▶️ 📋   sheep
▶️ 📋   goat [1-2]
▶️ 📋   llama [1-2]
▶️ 📋   tiger [1-2]
▶️ 📋   wolf [1-2]
▶️ 📋   chicken [1-3]
▶️ 📋   meow [1-6]
▶️ 📋   airport
▶️ 📋   dock
▶️ 📋   herc [1-2]
▶️ 📋   diplomacy
▶️ 📋   diplomacy_open
▶️ 📋   alliance_proposed
▶️ 📋   alliance_retracted
▶️ 📋   alliance_rejected
▶️ 📋   alliance_entered
▶️ 📋   alliance_retract
▶️ 📋   war
▶️ 📋   epoch_up [1-2]
▶️ 📋   alarm
▶️ 📋   underattack
▶️ 📋   gainterritory
▶️ 📋   lightning
▶️ 📋   lostterritory
▶️ 📋   host_waiting [1-6]
▶️ 📋   no_rules
▶️ 📋   norules
▶️ 📋   yes_rules
▶️ 📋   yesrules
▶️ 📋   farm
▶️ 📋   autobus
▶️ 📋   gardener
▶️ 📋   house
▶️ 📋   police [1-6]
▶️ 📋   ambulance [1-2]
▶️ 📋   firetruck [1-3]
▶️ 📋   newsvan [1-2]
▶️ 📋   flare
▶️ 📋   monamunicator
▶️ 📋   ufo [1-4]
▶️ 📋   titanic [1-2]
▶️ 📋   applause
▶️ 📋   booo
▶️ 📋   laser
▶️ 📋   rocket [1-3]
▶️ 📋   tankfire [1-3]
▶️ 📋   machinegun [1-3]
▶️ 📋   minigun
▶️ 📋   musket [1-2]
▶️ 📋   objforce
▶️ 📋   rifle
▶️ 📋   scorpion
▶️ 📋   swing
▶️ 📋   hwacha
▶️ 📋   emp
▶️ 📋   bombarda
▶️ 📋   cannon
▶️ 📋   bombdrop
▶️ 📋   boatgun
▶️ 📋   assrifle
▶️ 📋   arrow [1-2]
▶️ 📋   crossbow [1-2]
▶️ 📋   mortar
▶️ 📋   spearthrow
▶️ 📋   grenade
▶️ 📋   sword [1-3]
▶️ 📋   trebuchet
▶️ 📋   ballista
▶️ 📋   artillery
▶️ 📋   aashot [1-2]
▶️ 📋   torpedo
▶️ 📋   tribute
▶️ 📋   mayday [1-3]
▶️ 📋   whitehouse
▶️ 📋   convert
▶️ 📋   balloon
▶️ 📋   airdefense
▶️ 📋   coastaldefense
▶️ 📋   gate
▶️ 📋   palisade
▶️ 📋   plant
▶️ 📋   silo
▶️ 📋   warehouse
▶️ 📋   nuke_explode
▶️ 📋   garrison
▶️ 📋   ungarrison
▶️ 📋   research_start
▶️ 📋   research_complete
▶️ 📋   research_cancel
▶️ 📋   shuttingdown
▶️ 📋   sniper
▶️ 📋   merrychristmas [1-20]
▶️ 📋   jinglebells [1-5]
▶️ 📋   wewishyou [1-8]
▶️ 📋   carolbells [1-17]
▶️ 📋   christmastree [1-5]
▶️ 📋   hohoho [1-4]
▶️ 📋   angels [1-4]
▶️ 📋   fireworks [1-10]
▶️ 📋   shutup [1-5]
▶️ 📋   hallelujah [1-4]
▶️ 📋   allahuakbar [1-7]
▶️ 📋   bb
▶️ 📋   byebye
▶️ 📋   cu
▶️ 📋   seeya
▶️ 📋   seeyou
▶️ 📋   torture
▶️ 📋   scream
▶️ 📋   ghost [1-5]
▶️ 📋   witch [1-33]
▶️ 📋   lmao [1-7]
▶️ 📋   halloween [1-9]
▶️ 📋   shame [1-3]
▶️ 📋   thankyou
▶️ 📋   ty
▶️ 📋   thanks
▶️ 📋   thx
▶️ 📋   bruh
▶️ 📋   cantina [1-2]
▶️ 📋   cheering
▶️ 📋   cry [1-14]
▶️ 📋   dontenter
▶️ 📋   donotenter
▶️ 📋   duck [1-10]
▶️ 📋   ferret [1-4]
▶️ 📋   gg [1-5]
▶️ 📋   goodgame [1-5]
▶️ 📋   help [1-3]
▶️ 📋   helpme [1-3]
▶️ 📋   hilp
▶️ 📋   hilpmi
▶️ 📋   incomingtears
▶️ 📋   itsfriday [1-2]
▶️ 📋   dowhatuwant [1-4]
▶️ 📋   ilivefortheapplause [1-2]
▶️ 📋   parleatatete [1-2]
▶️ 📋   mybiggestenemyisme [1-3]
▶️ 📋   imnotyourplasticdoll
▶️ 📋   iamnotyourplasticdoll
▶️ 📋   monadellaporta
▶️ 📋   mussolini
▶️ 📋   savingslots
▶️ 📋   trump [1-5]
▶️ 📋   buildawall [1-2]
▶️ 📋   buildwalls [1-2]
▶️ 📋   southernborder
▶️ 📋   mexicopay
▶️ 📋   markmywords
▶️ 📋   unfair [1-3]
▶️ 📋   warning
▶️ 📋   xpshutdown
▶️ 📋   yaaa [1-2]
▶️ 📋   comeandgetit [1-2]
▶️ 📋   eloise [1-35]
▶️ 📋   greta [1-75]
▶️ 📋   howdareyou [1-4]
▶️ 📋   wewillbewatchingyou
▶️ 📋   thisisallwrong
▶️ 📋   ishouldntbeuphere
▶️ 📋   ishouldbebackinschool
▶️ 📋   forhope
▶️ 📋   youhavestolenmydreams
▶️ 📋   withyouremptywords
▶️ 📋   imoneoftheluckyones
▶️ 📋   peoplearesuffering
▶️ 📋   peoplearedying
▶️ 📋   ecosystemsarecollapsing
▶️ 📋   massextinction
▶️ 📋   allyoucantalkabout
▶️ 📋   economicgrowth
▶️ 📋   andcomehere
▶️ 📋   yousayyouhearus
▶️ 📋   nomatterhowsad
▶️ 📋   idonotwanttobelievethat
▶️ 📋   understoodthesituation
▶️ 📋   failingtoact
▶️ 📋   youwouldbeevil
▶️ 📋   fiftypercent
▶️ 📋   notmatureenough
▶️ 📋   youarefailingus
▶️ 📋   wewillneverforgiveyou
▶️ 📋   wewillnotletyouget
▶️ 📋   righthererightnow
▶️ 📋   theworldiswakingup
▶️ 📋   changeiscoming
▶️ 📋   whetheryoulikeitornot
▶️ 📋   thereisnoplanetb
▶️ 📋   blablabla [1-2]
▶️ 📋   orblablabla
▶️ 📋   blahblahblah [1-2]
▶️ 📋   orblahblahblah
▶️ 📋   bunnyhugging
▶️ 📋   buildbackbetter
▶️ 📋   greeneconomy
▶️ 📋   climateneutral
▶️ 📋   emptywordsandpromises
▶️ 📋   constructivedialogue
▶️ 📋   wherehasthatledus
▶️ 📋   andwherehasthatledus
▶️ 📋   climateaction
▶️ 📋   wedontwantit
▶️ 📋   thenwedontwantit
▶️ 📋   meetingslikethis
▶️ 📋   listeningtous
▶️ 📋   buttheyarenot
▶️ 📋   buttheyrenot
▶️ 📋   notlisteningtous
▶️ 📋   andtheyneverhave
▶️ 📋   theyneverhave
▶️ 📋   justlookatthenumbers
▶️ 📋   lookatthenumbers
▶️ 📋   lookatthestatistics
▶️ 📋   lookatstatistics
▶️ 📋   emissionsarestillrising
▶️ 📋   thesciencedoesntlie
▶️ 📋   hopeisnot
▶️ 📋   didyouhearme
▶️ 📋   whatdowewant [1-2]
▶️ 📋   whendowewantit [1-2]
▶️ 📋   wecandothis [1-2]
▶️ 📋   obviouslydontmeanit
▶️ 📋   butwedo
▶️ 📋   imabsolutelyconvinced
▶️ 📋   butitstartswiththepeople
▶️ 📋   facingthereality
▶️ 📋   asuncomfortable
▶️ 📋   uncomfortablesituation
▶️ 📋   yess
▶️ 📋   reallyy
▶️ 📋   whataboutyou
▶️ 📋   youbettergetbusy
▶️ 📋   youonlyhaveseventyhours
▶️ 📋   whatyouneedisirrevelant
▶️ 📋   seventyhoursiswhatyougot
▶️ 📋   thengodhelpusall
▶️ 📋   godhelpus
▶️ 📋   youabsolutelymaynot
▶️ 📋   areyouquestioningme
▶️ 📋   outeveryonenow
▶️ 📋   stoptalking
▶️ 📋   nowyoulistentome
▶️ 📋   iwantyoutostop
▶️ 📋   itisinfactaviolation
▶️ 📋   stoplookingforit
▶️ 📋   myhusbandsapproval
▶️ 📋   becauseibloodydo
▶️ 📋   becauseyourenotreadyyet
▶️ 📋   sacrifice
▶️ 📋   hellobenjamin
▶️ 📋   ithoughtisaidallofthem
▶️ 📋   letsgetstarted
▶️ 📋   allrightletsgetstarted
▶️ 📋   ahaa
▶️ 📋   thisisconfusing
▶️ 📋   letspayattention
▶️ 📋   butiamhelpingdear
▶️ 📋   iamhelping
▶️ 📋   isntdonewithyou
▶️ 📋   notdonewithyou
▶️ 📋   unpredictable
▶️ 📋   nothatsnotall
▶️ 📋   longbell
▶️ 📋   pobre [1-3]
▶️ 📋   imgay
▶️ 📋   iamgay
▶️ 📋   typicalkaren [1-67]
▶️ 📋   ugandaninterview [1-49]
▶️ 📋   fuckingshutup
▶️ 📋   mona [1-28]
▶️ 📋   lisa
▶️ 📋   monalisa
▶️ 📋   drmonalisa
▶️ 📋   kiffke
▶️ 📋   furetto
▶️ 📋   flitzpiepe
▶️ 📋   dickhead
▶️ 📋   imtryingtohelpyou [1-2]
▶️ 📋   idontneedyourhelp
▶️ 📋   yesyoudomotherfucker
▶️ 📋   youdoneedmyhelp
▶️ 📋   weareallsinners
▶️ 📋   noimnotmotherfucker
▶️ 📋   youfuckingaccuser [1-3]
▶️ 📋   motherfuckerrr
▶️ 📋   ifuckingdareyou
▶️ 📋   onefuckingmoretime
▶️ 📋   fatfuckingpig
▶️ 📋   igonnafileareport
▶️ 📋   youfilmme
▶️ 📋   fuckingcunt
▶️ 📋   youknowwhatsgonnahappen
▶️ 📋   askjesuschrist
▶️ 📋   seventytwodicks
▶️ 📋   seventytwovirgins
▶️ 📋   custhequransays
▶️ 📋   getthefuckawayfromme [1-2]
▶️ 📋   iknowexactlywhereiam
▶️ 📋   iknowwhocreatedyou
▶️ 📋   getyourfuckinghandsoffme
▶️ 📋   dontcareaboutyourkid
▶️ 📋   youhavenopermission [1-2]
▶️ 📋   getoutofneutralbay [1-2]
▶️ 📋   yourenotsuited [1-2]
▶️ 📋   handleyourchild
▶️ 📋   animal [1-2]
▶️ 📋   thatsmytip
▶️ 📋   wouldntbeableto
▶️ 📋   youreadegradation
▶️ 📋   daddyinflicting
▶️ 📋   dogowner
▶️ 📋   baldyass
▶️ 📋   nobadfathers
▶️ 📋   poordog
▶️ 📋   iwontgoaway
▶️ 📋   youregoingaway
▶️ 📋   lookatyou
▶️ 📋   getoffmyproperty [1-4]
▶️ 📋   gotakeanotherdose
▶️ 📋   dontcallmesweetheart
▶️ 📋   goandbuzzchloe [1-2]
▶️ 📋   bloodydirtyold
▶️ 📋   dirtyoldpenis [1-2]
▶️ 📋   getawayfromme
▶️ 📋   buggerthechild
▶️ 📋   youcantcontrol
▶️ 📋   bloodyuglylooking
▶️ 📋   dirtypieceofrubbish
▶️ 📋   dogpeedthere
▶️ 📋   pieceofshhh
▶️ 📋   getout
▶️ 📋   thankyoumona
▶️ 📋   thankumona
▶️ 📋   thanksmona
▶️ 📋   monasinhead
▶️ 📋   himona
▶️ 📋   godmona
▶️ 📋   monaiscomplicated
▶️ 📋   monascomplicated
▶️ 📋   monaisthatyou
▶️ 📋   whatthehellmona
▶️ 📋   conspiringwithmona
▶️ 📋   youdontscarememona
▶️ 📋   whatdoyouwantmona
▶️ 📋   victimofwhatmona
▶️ 📋   yourewrongmona
▶️ 📋   youarewrongmona
▶️ 📋   imadeyoulosermona
▶️ 📋   notafraidofmona
▶️ 📋   monawaystotrick
▶️ 📋   heymona
▶️ 📋   ineedyoumona
▶️ 📋   tryingtoprovemona
▶️ 📋   whatsthedealwithmona
▶️ 📋   monadangerousperson
▶️ 📋   monabrokeupourparents
▶️ 📋   monadestroyfamily
▶️ 📋   ofcourseshecanshesmona
▶️ 📋   shesmona
▶️ 📋   sheissmona
▶️ 📋   shouldicallyoumista
▶️ 📋   thankyouforcoming
▶️ 📋   goodmorningg
▶️ 📋   whyareyougay
▶️ 📋   youaregay
▶️ 📋   youaretransgenda [1-2]
▶️ 📋   youareatransgenda [1-2]
▶️ 📋   howcanidescribeyou
▶️ 📋   gayrightsactivist
▶️ 📋   whyshouldsomeonebegay
▶️ 📋   naturalobligations
▶️ 📋   doesntthatmakeyougay
▶️ 📋   sowhoisgay
▶️ 📋   whoisgay
▶️ 📋   itsashe
▶️ 📋   sheisafemale
▶️ 📋   eithermaleorfemale
▶️ 📋   confusion
▶️ 📋   thisisagainstme [1-2]
▶️ 📋   americanswanttobombme
▶️ 📋   thatisformen
▶️ 📋   gadgetslikebananas
▶️ 📋   theyusecarrots
▶️ 📋   theyusebananas
▶️ 📋   theyusecucumbers
▶️ 📋   theyarenotnormal
▶️ 📋   heterosexuals
▶️ 📋   lgbti [1-2]
▶️ 📋   penis [1-4]
▶️ 📋   pussy [1-7]

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