What are Audio Taunts in Unofficial Patch 1.6?
Since 26th of February 2020 (versions 157031-157032) Unofficial Patch users can enjoy the audio feedback (audio taunts) for certain messages sent in Multiplayer chats (before game start).
With Unofficial Patch 1.5.8 release (6th of November 2020), the audio taunts system has been significantly improved and also added to the Game chat (after start). Thanks to that, even Singleplayer users can enjoy it!
I don't like audio taunts. How to disable them?
In the Maximization Helper & Game Tweaker window, please find option "Disable Audio Taunts in Chats":
Multiplayer - checking this option disables audio taunts in multiplayer chats (before game start).
Game - checking this option disables audio taunts for messages sent in game chat.
Changing the status of these options have an immediate effect (no game restart is required).
The audio taunts system ignores spaces and punctuation characters. For example taunt
merrychristmas4 will also play when you send
Merry Christmas4! message. The words inside "quotation marks" are treated as a potential taunt, e.g. audio will be played on message:
I wish you a "Merry Christmas", Jenna .
More information & discussion in
this forum topic (click) .
List of available audio taunts
Tip: Click the 📋 icon to copy the taunt text to your clipboard. Use CTRL+V to paste the copied text in game.
Playing the taunt using the ▶️ button only works when the game with UP (159012+) is currently running.
Check this option to auto-maximize game window on clicking the ▶️ button. ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 a1 to
a33 (from Age of Empires III)
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 b1 to
b42 (from Age of Empires II)
▶️ 📋 1 wololo ▶️ 📋 1 hahaha ▶️ 📋 1 haha ▶️ 📋 1 ahahaha ▶️ 📋 1 hehehe ▶️ 📋 1 foodplease ▶️ 📋 1 foodpls ▶️ 📋 1 food ▶️ 📋 1 ineedfood ▶️ 📋 1 woodplease ▶️ 📋 1 woodpls ▶️ 📋 1 wood ▶️ 📋 1 ineedwood ▶️ 📋 1 stoneplease ▶️ 📋 1 stonepls ▶️ 📋 1 stone ▶️ 📋 1 ineedstone ▶️ 📋 1 goldplease ▶️ 📋 1 goldpls ▶️ 📋 1 gold ▶️ 📋 1 ineedgold ▶️ 📋 1 tinplease ▶️ 📋 1 tinpls ▶️ 📋 1 tin ▶️ 📋 1 ineedtin ▶️ 📋 1 ironplease ▶️ 📋 1 ironpls ▶️ 📋 1 iron ▶️ 📋 1 ineediron ▶️ 📋 1 saltpeterplease ▶️ 📋 1 saltplease ▶️ 📋 1 saltpeterpls ▶️ 📋 1 saltpeter ▶️ 📋 1 saltpls ▶️ 📋 1 ineedsaltpeter ▶️ 📋 1 oilplease ▶️ 📋 1 oilpls ▶️ 📋 1 oil ▶️ 📋 1 ineedoil ▶️ 📋 1 uraniumplease ▶️ 📋 1 uraniumpls ▶️ 📋 1 uranium ▶️ 📋 1 ineeduranium ▶️ 📋 1 ineedallresources ▶️ 📋 1 ineedresources ▶️ 📋 1 ineedres ▶️ 📋 1 sendmeeverything ▶️ 📋 1 ineedmorepopulation ▶️ 📋 1 ineedpopulation ▶️ 📋 1 ineedmorepop ▶️ 📋 1 ineedpop ▶️ 📋 1 sendmeyourterritory ▶️ 📋 1 sendmeyourterr ▶️ 📋 1 sendterr ▶️ 📋 1 givemeterr ▶️ 📋 1 givemeterritory ▶️ 📋 1 sendmeterritories ▶️ 📋 1 givemeterrs ▶️ 📋 1 givemeterritories ▶️ 📋 1 sendmeterrs ▶️ 📋 1 sendterrs ▶️ 📋 1 attacknow ▶️ 📋 1 takeit ▶️ 📋 1 moveyourarmy ▶️ 📋 1 movearmy ▶️ 📋 1 moveyourarmyback ▶️ 📋 1 movearmyback ▶️ 📋 1 moveback ▶️ 📋 1 goback ▶️ 📋 1 collecttechpoints ▶️ 📋 1 collecttechnologypoints ▶️ 📋 1 fixwoodcitizens ▶️ 📋 1 fixwoodcitz ▶️ 📋 1 fixcitizens ▶️ 📋 1 fixyourcitizens ▶️ 📋 1 fixcitz ▶️ 📋 1 fixyourcitz ▶️ 📋 1 nukehim ▶️ 📋 1 bombardhim ▶️ 📋 1 attackhim ▶️ 📋 1 attack ▶️ 📋 1 letsdouble ▶️ 📋 1 letstriple ▶️ 📋 1 letsquadruple ▶️ 📋 1 letsattacktogether ▶️ 📋 1 letsattack ▶️ 📋 1 takehisterritory ▶️ 📋 1 takehisterr ▶️ 📋 1 taketerr ▶️ 📋 1 taketerritory ▶️ 📋 1 killhim ▶️ 📋 1 killhimfast ▶️ 📋 1 killfast ▶️ 📋 1 push ▶️ 📋 1 badmap ▶️ 📋 1 unfairresources ▶️ 📋 1 unfairres ▶️ 📋 1 2 lol_aced [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 lol_defeat ▶️ 📋 1 lol_dominating ▶️ 📋 1 2 lol_doublekill [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 lol_enemygodlike [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 lol_enemylegend [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 lol_enemypenta ▶️ 📋 1 lol_enemyquadra ▶️ 📋 1 lol_enemyslain ▶️ 📋 1 lol_executed ▶️ 📋 1 lol_firstblood ▶️ 📋 1 lol_godlike ▶️ 📋 1 lol_killingspree ▶️ 📋 1 lol_legendary ▶️ 📋 1 2 lol_pentakill [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 lol_quadrakill ▶️ 📋 1 lol_hexakill ▶️ 📋 1 2 lol_shutdown [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 lol_triplekill ▶️ 📋 1 lol_unstoppable ▶️ 📋 1 lol_victory ▶️ 📋 1 2 lol_youslain [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 lol_welcome [1-7]
▶️ 📋 1 2 lol_yourturretdestroyed [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 lol_destroyedturret ▶️ 📋 1 lol_thirtyseconds ▶️ 📋 1 lol_summonerdisconnected ▶️ 📋 1 2 lol_summonerreconnected [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 lol_minionsspawned ▶️ 📋 1 lol_enemyquit ▶️ 📋 1 2 lol_allyquit [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 lol_allyslain [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 satellite [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 fortress ▶️ 📋 1 tractor ▶️ 📋 1 neinneinnein ▶️ 📋 1 titanic_horn ▶️ 📋 1 temple ▶️ 📋 1 university ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 death_male [1-8]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 death_female [1-8]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 radar [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 hospital ▶️ 📋 1 coronavirus ▶️ 📋 1 bunker ▶️ 📋 1 waterwell ▶️ 📋 1 2 cough [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 harvester ▶️ 📋 1 wheelloader ▶️ 📋 1 botanicmodule ▶️ 📋 1 obama ▶️ 📋 1 gaddafi ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 spider [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 zombie [1-5]
▶️ 📋 1 hera ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 priest [1-4]
▶️ 📋 1 greatergood ▶️ 📋 1 crownwin ▶️ 📋 1 crownwinopponent ▶️ 📋 1 crownlose ▶️ 📋 1 citycenter ▶️ 📋 1 outpost ▶️ 📋 1 barracks ▶️ 📋 1 workshop ▶️ 📋 1 factory ▶️ 📋 1 market ▶️ 📋 1 supermarket ▶️ 📋 1 stable ▶️ 📋 1 2 boar [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 camel [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 cow [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 2 deer [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 elephant [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 sheep ▶️ 📋 1 2 goat [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 llama [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 tiger [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 wolf [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 chicken [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 meow [1-6]
▶️ 📋 1 airport ▶️ 📋 1 dock ▶️ 📋 1 2 herc [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 diplomacy ▶️ 📋 1 diplomacy_open ▶️ 📋 1 alliance_proposed ▶️ 📋 1 alliance_retracted ▶️ 📋 1 alliance_rejected ▶️ 📋 1 alliance_entered ▶️ 📋 1 alliance_retract ▶️ 📋 1 war ▶️ 📋 1 2 epoch_up [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 alarm ▶️ 📋 1 underattack ▶️ 📋 1 gainterritory ▶️ 📋 1 lightning ▶️ 📋 1 lostterritory ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 host_waiting [1-6]
▶️ 📋 1 no_rules ▶️ 📋 1 norules ▶️ 📋 1 yes_rules ▶️ 📋 1 yesrules ▶️ 📋 1 farm ▶️ 📋 1 autobus ▶️ 📋 1 gardener ▶️ 📋 1 house ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 police [1-6]
▶️ 📋 1 2 ambulance [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 firetruck [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 2 newsvan [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 flare ▶️ 📋 1 monamunicator ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 ufo [1-4]
▶️ 📋 1 2 titanic [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 applause ▶️ 📋 1 booo ▶️ 📋 1 laser ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 rocket [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 tankfire [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 machinegun [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 minigun ▶️ 📋 1 2 musket [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 objforce ▶️ 📋 1 rifle ▶️ 📋 1 scorpion ▶️ 📋 1 swing ▶️ 📋 1 hwacha ▶️ 📋 1 emp ▶️ 📋 1 bombarda ▶️ 📋 1 cannon ▶️ 📋 1 bombdrop ▶️ 📋 1 boatgun ▶️ 📋 1 assrifle ▶️ 📋 1 2 arrow [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 crossbow [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 mortar ▶️ 📋 1 spearthrow ▶️ 📋 1 grenade ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 sword [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 trebuchet ▶️ 📋 1 ballista ▶️ 📋 1 artillery ▶️ 📋 1 2 aashot [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 torpedo ▶️ 📋 1 tribute ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 mayday [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 whitehouse ▶️ 📋 1 convert ▶️ 📋 1 balloon ▶️ 📋 1 airdefense ▶️ 📋 1 coastaldefense ▶️ 📋 1 gate ▶️ 📋 1 palisade ▶️ 📋 1 plant ▶️ 📋 1 silo ▶️ 📋 1 warehouse ▶️ 📋 1 nuke_explode ▶️ 📋 1 garrison ▶️ 📋 1 ungarrison ▶️ 📋 1 research_start ▶️ 📋 1 research_complete ▶️ 📋 1 research_cancel ▶️ 📋 1 shuttingdown ▶️ 📋 1 sniper ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 merrychristmas [1-20]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 jinglebells [1-5]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 wewishyou [1-8]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 carolbells [1-17]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 christmastree [1-5]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 hohoho [1-4]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 angels [1-4]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fireworks [1-10]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 shutup [1-5]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 hallelujah [1-4]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 allahuakbar [1-7]
▶️ 📋 1 bb ▶️ 📋 1 byebye ▶️ 📋 1 cu ▶️ 📋 1 seeya ▶️ 📋 1 seeyou ▶️ 📋 1 torture ▶️ 📋 1 scream ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 ghost [1-5]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 witch [1-33]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 lmao [1-7]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 halloween [1-9]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 shame [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 thankyou ▶️ 📋 1 ty ▶️ 📋 1 thanks ▶️ 📋 1 thx ▶️ 📋 1 bruh ▶️ 📋 1 2 cantina [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 cheering ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 cry [1-14]
▶️ 📋 1 dontenter ▶️ 📋 1 donotenter ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 duck [1-10]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 ferret [1-4]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 gg [1-5]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 goodgame [1-5]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 help [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 helpme [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 hilp ▶️ 📋 1 hilpmi ▶️ 📋 1 incomingtears ▶️ 📋 1 2 itsfriday [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 dowhatuwant [1-4]
▶️ 📋 1 2 ilivefortheapplause [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 parleatatete [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 mybiggestenemyisme [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 imnotyourplasticdoll ▶️ 📋 1 iamnotyourplasticdoll ▶️ 📋 1 monadellaporta ▶️ 📋 1 mussolini ▶️ 📋 1 savingslots ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 trump [1-5]
▶️ 📋 1 2 buildawall [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 buildwalls [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 southernborder ▶️ 📋 1 mexicopay ▶️ 📋 1 markmywords ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 unfair [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 warning ▶️ 📋 1 xpshutdown ▶️ 📋 1 2 yaaa [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 comeandgetit [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 eloise [1-35]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 greta [1-75]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 howdareyou [1-4]
▶️ 📋 1 wewillbewatchingyou ▶️ 📋 1 thisisallwrong ▶️ 📋 1 ishouldntbeuphere ▶️ 📋 1 ishouldbebackinschool ▶️ 📋 1 forhope ▶️ 📋 1 youhavestolenmydreams ▶️ 📋 1 withyouremptywords ▶️ 📋 1 imoneoftheluckyones ▶️ 📋 1 peoplearesuffering ▶️ 📋 1 peoplearedying ▶️ 📋 1 ecosystemsarecollapsing ▶️ 📋 1 massextinction ▶️ 📋 1 allyoucantalkabout ▶️ 📋 1 economicgrowth ▶️ 📋 1 andcomehere ▶️ 📋 1 yousayyouhearus ▶️ 📋 1 nomatterhowsad ▶️ 📋 1 idonotwanttobelievethat ▶️ 📋 1 understoodthesituation ▶️ 📋 1 failingtoact ▶️ 📋 1 youwouldbeevil ▶️ 📋 1 fiftypercent ▶️ 📋 1 notmatureenough ▶️ 📋 1 youarefailingus ▶️ 📋 1 wewillneverforgiveyou ▶️ 📋 1 wewillnotletyouget ▶️ 📋 1 righthererightnow ▶️ 📋 1 theworldiswakingup ▶️ 📋 1 changeiscoming ▶️ 📋 1 whetheryoulikeitornot ▶️ 📋 1 thereisnoplanetb ▶️ 📋 1 2 blablabla [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 orblablabla ▶️ 📋 1 2 blahblahblah [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 orblahblahblah ▶️ 📋 1 bunnyhugging ▶️ 📋 1 buildbackbetter ▶️ 📋 1 greeneconomy ▶️ 📋 1 climateneutral ▶️ 📋 1 emptywordsandpromises ▶️ 📋 1 constructivedialogue ▶️ 📋 1 wherehasthatledus ▶️ 📋 1 andwherehasthatledus ▶️ 📋 1 climateaction ▶️ 📋 1 wedontwantit ▶️ 📋 1 thenwedontwantit ▶️ 📋 1 meetingslikethis ▶️ 📋 1 listeningtous ▶️ 📋 1 buttheyarenot ▶️ 📋 1 buttheyrenot ▶️ 📋 1 notlisteningtous ▶️ 📋 1 andtheyneverhave ▶️ 📋 1 theyneverhave ▶️ 📋 1 justlookatthenumbers ▶️ 📋 1 lookatthenumbers ▶️ 📋 1 lookatthestatistics ▶️ 📋 1 lookatstatistics ▶️ 📋 1 emissionsarestillrising ▶️ 📋 1 thesciencedoesntlie ▶️ 📋 1 hopeisnot ▶️ 📋 1 didyouhearme ▶️ 📋 1 2 whatdowewant [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 whendowewantit [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 wecandothis [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 obviouslydontmeanit ▶️ 📋 1 butwedo ▶️ 📋 1 imabsolutelyconvinced ▶️ 📋 1 butitstartswiththepeople ▶️ 📋 1 facingthereality ▶️ 📋 1 asuncomfortable ▶️ 📋 1 uncomfortablesituation ▶️ 📋 1 yess ▶️ 📋 1 reallyy ▶️ 📋 1 whataboutyou ▶️ 📋 1 youbettergetbusy ▶️ 📋 1 youonlyhaveseventyhours ▶️ 📋 1 whatyouneedisirrevelant ▶️ 📋 1 seventyhoursiswhatyougot ▶️ 📋 1 thengodhelpusall ▶️ 📋 1 godhelpus ▶️ 📋 1 youabsolutelymaynot ▶️ 📋 1 areyouquestioningme ▶️ 📋 1 outeveryonenow ▶️ 📋 1 stoptalking ▶️ 📋 1 nowyoulistentome ▶️ 📋 1 iwantyoutostop ▶️ 📋 1 itisinfactaviolation ▶️ 📋 1 stoplookingforit ▶️ 📋 1 myhusbandsapproval ▶️ 📋 1 becauseibloodydo ▶️ 📋 1 becauseyourenotreadyyet ▶️ 📋 1 sacrifice ▶️ 📋 1 hellobenjamin ▶️ 📋 1 ithoughtisaidallofthem ▶️ 📋 1 letsgetstarted ▶️ 📋 1 allrightletsgetstarted ▶️ 📋 1 ahaa ▶️ 📋 1 thisisconfusing ▶️ 📋 1 letspayattention ▶️ 📋 1 butiamhelpingdear ▶️ 📋 1 iamhelping ▶️ 📋 1 isntdonewithyou ▶️ 📋 1 notdonewithyou ▶️ 📋 1 unpredictable ▶️ 📋 1 nothatsnotall ▶️ 📋 1 longbell ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 pobre [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 imgay ▶️ 📋 1 iamgay
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 typicalkaren [1-67]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ugandaninterview [1-49]
▶️ 📋 1 fuckingshutup ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 mona [1-28]
▶️ 📋 1 lisa ▶️ 📋 1 monalisa ▶️ 📋 1 drmonalisa ▶️ 📋 1 kiffke ▶️ 📋 1 furetto ▶️ 📋 1 flitzpiepe ▶️ 📋 1 dickhead ▶️ 📋 1 2 imtryingtohelpyou [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 idontneedyourhelp ▶️ 📋 1 yesyoudomotherfucker ▶️ 📋 1 youdoneedmyhelp ▶️ 📋 1 weareallsinners ▶️ 📋 1 noimnotmotherfucker ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 youfuckingaccuser [1-3]
▶️ 📋 1 motherfuckerrr ▶️ 📋 1 ifuckingdareyou ▶️ 📋 1 onefuckingmoretime ▶️ 📋 1 fatfuckingpig ▶️ 📋 1 igonnafileareport ▶️ 📋 1 youfilmme ▶️ 📋 1 fuckingcunt ▶️ 📋 1 youknowwhatsgonnahappen ▶️ 📋 1 askjesuschrist ▶️ 📋 1 seventytwodicks ▶️ 📋 1 seventytwovirgins ▶️ 📋 1 custhequransays ▶️ 📋 1 2 getthefuckawayfromme [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 iknowexactlywhereiam ▶️ 📋 1 iknowwhocreatedyou ▶️ 📋 1 getyourfuckinghandsoffme ▶️ 📋 1 dontcareaboutyourkid ▶️ 📋 1 2 youhavenopermission [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 getoutofneutralbay [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 yourenotsuited [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 handleyourchild ▶️ 📋 1 2 animal [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 thatsmytip ▶️ 📋 1 wouldntbeableto ▶️ 📋 1 youreadegradation ▶️ 📋 1 daddyinflicting ▶️ 📋 1 dogowner ▶️ 📋 1 baldyass ▶️ 📋 1 nobadfathers ▶️ 📋 1 poordog ▶️ 📋 1 iwontgoaway ▶️ 📋 1 youregoingaway ▶️ 📋 1 lookatyou ▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 getoffmyproperty [1-4]
▶️ 📋 1 gotakeanotherdose ▶️ 📋 1 dontcallmesweetheart ▶️ 📋 1 2 goandbuzzchloe [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 bloodydirtyold ▶️ 📋 1 2 dirtyoldpenis [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 getawayfromme ▶️ 📋 1 buggerthechild ▶️ 📋 1 youcantcontrol ▶️ 📋 1 bloodyuglylooking ▶️ 📋 1 dirtypieceofrubbish ▶️ 📋 1 dogpeedthere ▶️ 📋 1 pieceofshhh ▶️ 📋 1 getout ▶️ 📋 1 thankyoumona ▶️ 📋 1 thankumona ▶️ 📋 1 thanksmona ▶️ 📋 1 monasinhead ▶️ 📋 1 himona ▶️ 📋 1 godmona ▶️ 📋 1 monaiscomplicated ▶️ 📋 1 monascomplicated ▶️ 📋 1 monaisthatyou ▶️ 📋 1 whatthehellmona ▶️ 📋 1 conspiringwithmona ▶️ 📋 1 youdontscarememona ▶️ 📋 1 whatdoyouwantmona ▶️ 📋 1 victimofwhatmona ▶️ 📋 1 yourewrongmona ▶️ 📋 1 youarewrongmona ▶️ 📋 1 imadeyoulosermona ▶️ 📋 1 notafraidofmona ▶️ 📋 1 monawaystotrick ▶️ 📋 1 heymona ▶️ 📋 1 ineedyoumona ▶️ 📋 1 tryingtoprovemona ▶️ 📋 1 whatsthedealwithmona ▶️ 📋 1 monadangerousperson ▶️ 📋 1 monabrokeupourparents ▶️ 📋 1 monadestroyfamily ▶️ 📋 1 ofcourseshecanshesmona ▶️ 📋 1 shesmona ▶️ 📋 1 sheissmona ▶️ 📋 1 shouldicallyoumista ▶️ 📋 1 thankyouforcoming ▶️ 📋 1 goodmorningg ▶️ 📋 1 whyareyougay ▶️ 📋 1 youaregay ▶️ 📋 1 2 youaretransgenda [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 youareatransgenda [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 howcanidescribeyou ▶️ 📋 1 gayrightsactivist ▶️ 📋 1 whyshouldsomeonebegay ▶️ 📋 1 naturalobligations ▶️ 📋 1 doesntthatmakeyougay ▶️ 📋 1 sowhoisgay ▶️ 📋 1 whoisgay ▶️ 📋 1 itsashe ▶️ 📋 1 sheisafemale ▶️ 📋 1 eithermaleorfemale ▶️ 📋 1 confusion ▶️ 📋 1 2 thisisagainstme [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 americanswanttobombme ▶️ 📋 1 thatisformen ▶️ 📋 1 gadgetslikebananas ▶️ 📋 1 theyusecarrots ▶️ 📋 1 theyusebananas ▶️ 📋 1 theyusecucumbers ▶️ 📋 1 theyarenotnormal ▶️ 📋 1 heterosexuals ▶️ 📋 1 2 lgbti [1-2]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 penis [1-4]
▶️ 📋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 pussy [1-7]